Painting A Dream In A Nightmare…

He was different. But not a psycho.
He was quiet. But never abusive.
He was more responsible than the other men around.
He stood on his heels for four days straight for his first-born.
He spent every penny to make things better.
He changed himself however and whenever he could. But he wasn’t a Prophet.
He was a man.
He was a father.

Then came the day of accusations.
He was called every name in the book.
He was called mentally sick.
Lies were thrown at his face, but he didn’t deviate.

He took a stand that day. But he didn’t plan anything awful.
He took a stand because there are things you shouldn’t apologize for.

You should not apologize for taking a stand… for speaking the truth… for respecting yourself… and for ending a toxic relationship…

Even after that, he didn’t run away from his responsibility of fatherhood.
He begged. He ran to courts. He went to people.

He asked God.

Things became messier and messier.

Then one day, after 1.5 years, he saw his flesh and blood. It was an extraordinary reunion at court.

Things got better for awhile.
Then again a struggle started. A war of nerves. He was threatened to be killed again. The same things with which he was threatened during the relationship and after the relationship.

Somewhere a bullet may be waiting to be entered into his skull.

That doesn’t bother him; in this so-called life, he dies daily. Yet, he forces himself to live.

What he imagines is a future: a garden full of flowers where he is giggling and running with his daughter without any fear of the unknown.

Walli – I am Hussain too

Story of Hussain and Yazid is an inspiration. It is a story of incredible power. It gives me strength to stand again and again. Just when I am about to fall, to seize, and to fail, Hussain gives me new passion.
My story is a small one. It is not a story of a Hussain standing against a cruel ruler.
My story is of Hussain standing against no one but one being. For the sake of Allah. For the sake of a future. For the sake of a generation to come.
Just like Hussain, my story is not of revenge or punishment. My story is not of a war. My story is against my own self. To make me stand again. For “her”.
Hussain was in Karbala. I am in Karbala too.
Hussain was thirsty. I am thirsty too.
Hussain was for upcoming generations. I am too.
But Hussain was from Family of Prophet. I am just an ordinary follower with an ordinary creed.
But my struggle is extraordinary.
My pain is extraordinary.
My love is extraordinary.
I am Hussain. In a different age. In a different time. Against a different cruelty.

Walli – An Extraordinary Love Story Demands An Extraordinary Sacrifice

An extraordinary love story has an extraordinary journey to travel. Only an ordinary love has an ordinary story.

He met the girl of his dreams and married her, is ordinary.

She loved her brother and lived in peace, is ordinary.

But the life of Walli was extraordinary. Just like his life, his love was extraordinary too. It wasn’t a love story like Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal. That would be too mundane.

His story was not of an ordinary love where the two fall in love and marry, or they commit suicide, or one of them dies.


Walli’s story was of his love for his daughter. For whom he travelled the universe. For whom he passed 4,000 years of the human race just to be here today. Just to be here in the 21st century to meet his daughter.

But it was exceptional even after 4,000 years. He didn’t know there would be laws, courts, hate, contempt, fraud, cheating… He was in pursuit of his daughter only and on his way he realized the ingredients of love.

Normal people hide their love. Walli doesn’t. He shows it to the world because he cannot hide it. How can you hide your eyes? It is all in there.

People know Walli because of his love. Oh Walli! There is no hiding.

Walli has been cheated. The whole 21st century cheated on him. He, the Saladin of his times, has been cheated by his own people.

But Walli is on his way. Walli never gets tired. He resurrects every time he goes down. He was not meant to fail in his quest of love.

And Walli lives on.

His love lives forever.

His heart beats forever.

The tale has not ended.

It’s just the beginning.

And the tale of this love is extraordinary.

q teri cheezian urdu poetry

Father’s Love

If a child is drowning and both his parents are around, who will jump into the lake without thinking? The father
If a child is sick and needs a blood donation, who would be the first one to have his blood group checked? The father
Who is the person who listens to the bullshit of his boss and tolerates workforce injustices to keep things going on at home? The father
Which is the most underrated love in the world? A father’s love.
There is quite a lot of poetry full of mother’s love. But the one who cries secretly, who earns day and night, who only has a relaxed time on the weekend, who is only happy at the success of his children, and who would jump in the lake without any swimming experience just to save his child or to die with him, is only a father.
Have you ever been to a Guardian Court?
You must visit.
It is just like an ICU; there is no blood, but blood relations. There are the strongest of emotions. There are fathers spending thousands of Rupees just to visit their children for a couple of hours a month.
They bring gifts. They bring toys. They bring money. Yet they are treated harshly by the law and by the judges. They are treated badly by the mothers of their children. They are abused verbally and physically. Yet they don’t give up. They keep standing like a tree in the worst storm.
A mother’s love can be expressed in words, that is why there are poems and quotes on it.
A father’s love is beyond that. Words cannot do justice to it. You may try but it won’t be able to cover a fraction of the love behind.
Do you know the strongest relation made by Allah in this world? It is between a father and his daughter.

Walli – The Verdict

Finally, the day had come. The judge asked him to speak. As the other party never showed up in their defense, it was an open and shut case. And it was finally his time to speak.
And he spoke.
He spoke for 20 minutes.
He said all those things. He told all the truth.
Not a single lie. No fabrication.
The judge was mute the whole time. He didn’t know what to say.
It was a unique case for the judge, for the lawyer, and for the people sitting around the court room.
In family courts, the cases are mostly filed by women. They file cases for child support, for monthly payments, for dowry misuse and for physical abuse.
This was a case where a guy pleaded to be allowed legally to pay for his kid, to be allowed to have custody, or at least regular visitations enforced by law, and for all expenditures of his kid to be directed to him.
This was strange. Court rooms don’t see things like that.
And he spoke. The whole court room listened. He couldn’t be bothered about who was listening.
He made rare eye contact with the judge.
His frequent eye contact was with a smiling picture behind the judge.
The picture that had told him to stay strong, be patient, and fight for the right cause till death for the last 1 year. He did.
That picture was the only sane voice that he had heard at courtrooms in all those hearings.
The man in the picture was Jinnah .
He stood like Jinnah, he waited like Jinnah, and that day, he spoke like Jinnah.
Jinnah stood for a whole nation. He stood for his whole world.

The last thing of the day was that the judge gave the verdict. A verdict like Jinnah.