Maybe He wanted to save someone from murder. So He jolted the earth to change the plans.
Or maybe He saved a child from abuse today. 10 is our daily national average. 9 for today. 1 saved because the abuser panicked because of the earthquake.
Or maybe He wanted to put fear in the heart of that shopkeeper to sell honestly today, as one of the buyers coming today is His special.
Or maybe He wanted to save the lady from domestic tortures from tonight. Who knows?
Or maybe He wanted to give a short break to that guy who was having a very hard and long day at work.
Or maybe He wanted to put fear in the heart of a mob who was going to burn down a temple tonight.
Or maybe He wanted us to call our parents today.
Or maybe He wanted us to have a cigarette break.
Or maybe He wanted us to talk about jeans again.
Or maybe He just jolted the whole region just to make us afraid.
Or maybe He was having fun with our big egos. Mild jolts without a string attached.
Well, dear Lord! These tricks work for a couple of hours. We go back to our baseline within 24 hours.
And – even though we know You can do things – such manoeuvres are not appreciated. Thank you.