We… The Nationally Hypocrites

People are very angry at Kulbhushan Yadav. The same people were not that angry at Raymond Davis.

People are very angry that PM didn’t mention Kulbhushan Yadav. The same people were not very angry when Shuja Pasha himself escorted Raymond Davis.

People were very angry when India claimed surgical strike on Pakistan. The same people were not that angry when America did the world famous surgical strike near capital of Pakistan.

People get very angry when Indians kill our people. The same didn’t get that angry when Salala incident happened.

People want liberal rulers in the West, like Justin Trudeau. But the same people don’t want liberal rulers in their own country.

As I say, people love Arundhati Roy because she is an Indian and she talks against atrocities of India. The same people hate Asma Jahangir because she is Pakistani and she talks against atrocities of Pakistan.

We are hypocrites. We don’t accept it but we are. Some day hopefully we will accept our hypocrisies and that will be our first step towards real development.

Author: SakiNama

His Highness

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