Sarabi: His [Scar] destiny was to save you [Mufasa].
How convenient when you are destining to become his wife? Meanwhile, Scar knew his destiny was stolen.
It felt entirely different than was being shown on the screen. The movie “Mufasa” has different story.
We always disliked Scar – or Taka, his real name. Without knowing the history, we hated his actions. We hated his actions for power to be the king of the jungle.
On a flipside, and with innocence, it was Mufasa who robbed him. Mufasa – due to negligence of his parents – yeah, yeah, accident – became a stray. Scar saved him from crocodiles and took him home. Gave him a mother, his mother. Lost a race to save Mufasa’s life from his father. And stood with him for years.
Scar was the first one to question the rules of monarchy. He didn’t accept the bloodline shat. He raised questions. He was the fist lion to voice meritocracy over the vague birthright.
Anyway, when the new kingdom became dangerous, Mufasa and Scar left to find a new land. How easy it was for Mufasa.
Then, Scar fell in love with Sarabi. He told Mufasa. But then, it was a triangle. Sarabi told Mufasa to be the mover of his destiny and love her back and Mufasa accepted instantly. They could have shared Sarabi. They were lions, man. They mate with different lion every season. Coulda… woulda… shoulda…
Comes another kingdom. Just when Mufasa was about to lose life, he motivates the innocent animals to fight against the while lions – when it was crystal clear that white lions only wanted to kill Mufasa to take revenge. Even then, it was Scar who saves the life of Mufasa. Twice.
You may think that Scar was disloyal for one moment. Well, no. Scar had no obligation to be loyal to Mufasa in any way.
You know the rest. Comes Simba. Generational wealth. Monarchy. Lion King.
The victors write history. The truth depends on who tells the story. In this case, Disney, mainstream media, stories, books, and everything supported a clever lion who became a monarch and an absolute ruler while living off on others.
Remember, the true hero. Scar. Always was.