
Court declared him innocent after 19 years. But he was already dead 2 years ago; after spending 17 years in jail for nothing. His father died during court proceedings. His two uncles died. He died too. Good riddance, he thought.

Up above the heavens, God was happy that he has come back to Him. All his questions were ready to be answered. A big ceremony was being organized with a ‘kun’ here and a ‘kun’ there.

He was told in his report that he wouldn’t be in heaven if he would have been free all his life. He was told that God sent him to jail for a reason. Destiny, that you cannot question. He was told that he has all this heaven now. To enjoy forever.

He listened to the stories quietly. Without expression. Without emotions. Without tears. Without happiness.

After all the beautiful reasonings of destiny, he was asked if he had anything to say.

“O dear Lord of all the Worlds, I now know the reasons. But 17 years in prison for no crime cannot be justified. Be it destiny, but this heaven be justified.”

“The stink, the humidity, the pain, the torture, no air, hard floor, and food of prison… cannot be justified for that long.”

“Can your angels spend 17 years like that my beloved Lord? Or your Prophets? Your favorite one? Or You Yourself, You forbid, my Dear Lord?”

“It’s really tough to be a human. It’s a torture destined without agreement.”

“Dear Lord of All Worlds, You know what would have been the best for me? No life. No existence at all. Or an early death in prison; maybe in the first year. But 17? No, by dear Lord.”

“Or a little consent somewhere before the formation in the womb. Where I could present a case, and You could present a demo of life; and we both could agree to disagree – and I could be punished with no life at all.”

Imran Khan & Qazi Faez Isa

Strange are the ways of the world.

Who could have thought this Chief Justice would hit rock bottom? Almost everything he said in his good old days, were overturned by himself in his chief days. Whatever he said at the lower echelon, turned 180-degree at the top echelon.

But then, strange are the ways of the world.

The Politician this Chief is against played the same game. Did everything in 180-degree as soon as he reached top echelon. Whatever he said is available on YouTube in reverse. Every single thing.

The Chief at the moment is trying to take all the supreme judicial powers in his hand. He is also looking to the proposed Federal Court as him being the Chief Justice of the Constitution. Again.

Ironically, the Politician in jail once wanted that too.

Remember what Imran Khan was hoping for in the end. Federal finances. Technocracy. Presidential System. In the last manifesto of PTI, direct elections for the Prime Minister’s Office were proposed – bypassing Parliament.

In the end, the Chief Justice wants that too.

Like Bajwa wanted another term after another term.

Like Asim would ask for another term.

Like Boys always ask for blood and everything in the country that has a price.

They are all Pharaohs of our time. We are just unlucky to have them together in a single time period.

Maybe you have forgotten but thousands have not. When houses of poor people of Gujjar and Orangi Nullahs were being demolished in Karachi by the orders of the Chief Justice Gulzar Ahmed – can be you good chief on your bias; a giant 300+ kanal house in Bani Gala was being regularized at Rs.6.66 per square yar. Imagine their idea of themselves being Divinely Chosen.

I’m not exaggerating. They actually think they are the Divinely Chosen Ones by the God. They think they are to rule. They get direct messages from the heaven. They take decisions on whims and rollback decades of national progress in mere seconds.

Khan could have accepted the VoNC. Could have kept the government in Punjab and KP. Could have managed a strong opposition. Could have chosen to fight the constitutional way. Like Jinnah or Lincoln or any other great leader of past. Could have changed the course altogether. But he was always an idiot who believed in his Divine rights.

Forget the cause of all the mess in Pakistan (yeah, military) for a second; and you will realize that Khan teased the wrong guy. Faez took his time. Waited with big great constitutional letters. And after getting the Chief Post, served the cold dish of revenge.

If you have seen the trilogy of ‘The Godfather’, you may understand that Michael won not just because of patience, but because he was a lawyer too. He knew how to serve. In time. Though, in the end, time was not merciful to him at all.

Faez has forgotten that he is the Chief Justice of Pakistan. The history shall not forget this until he is dragged to new trials in each book.

Palestine: Another 100-year

100 years gone by, but the reasoning didn’t change.

100 years ago: We are weak. We lack in education. We don’t invest in research and development. No innovation. No technological advancement. Poor health. Poor personal growth.

100 years later: We are weak. We lack in education. We don’t invest in research and development. No innovation. No technological advancement. Poor health. Poor personal growth.

Another 100 years later: Draw the analogy yourself.

Nothing but hypocrisy.

We – the Pakistanis – participated in Yemen’s blood personally. We don’t know anything about Uighur because of selective amnesia. We had personal dollar-in-hand interest in Afghanistan in making it what it is today. The Kashmir we got is the Kashmir unhappy.

Then we have our own background of unmarked graves. Hazara genocide happened for over a decade in our own land with hundreds of coffins telecasted live on our TV screen in routine news bulletins. Hundreds and thousands of people were displaced (formally: Internally Displaced People), and a whole province is an unsafe region for poor while the powerful elite makes billions out of its minerals.


With crocodile tears.

And nothing to offer but amusement over dramatics.

Never said don’t fight back. Fight back. Resist. Stand. But don’t be an idiot by getting your own ones assassinated and annihilated. If the enemy comes and destroys you without you even knowing it, and you just throw stones at them to make a display – then you are fooling yourself and making a million other fools happy.

This isn’t how a war is fought. This is how a play is acted in a theatre.

What’s the result? Benefitting Netanyahu. Benefitting the mass murderers of Israel.

First you think. You prepare. You make yourself better. You grow and adopt strategies. And when you believe you are at par at least in certain aspects, you go to war. Else, you go for a suicide.

If Israel was supported by the UK and the USA, the whole Arab World also came together multiple times to win over. Yet, failed. What you think should be done, had been done, thrice – for nothing but more failures. Because wars are not won over emotions.

In the history of mankind, empires came and went down with some other empire to takeover. How did Muslims come to Mesopotamia? Spain? Persia? India? Africa? Alexandria? Constantinople?

And Jerusalem?

Who had this land of Jerusalem before Muslims? Who had this land before Christians? And who had this land before Jews? Humans.

We know the history from King David perhaps. Or Daud for you.

Then King Solomon. Or Suleman for you.

Babylonians came destroyed.

Then Persians came allowed Jews to come.

Second Temple by Herod. Reminds me of Oscar Wilde’s Salome and John the Baptist. Or Yahya for you.

Then came Alexander. Then Romans.

Then Constantine – the guy who founded Constantinople in 330 AD – came and made Jerusalem a Holy Christian land.

Then came the Muslims. Arabs.

Then came Crusaders to too back Jerusalem.

Followed by more Crusades in Ayyubid Period. Saladin recaptured the land.

Long story short, came the Ottomans to make the longest stand. Till the 1st World War.

Then came the victorious Britain who defeated the Ottomans, and captured Jerusalem and established their mandate.

So, who had it? Who owned this land? Which religion? Who who? Humans. Humans suffered there. Since forever. Behind the flags of three different religions, with the same message: PEACE.

The land of Jerusalem is sacred for all, and the land of Jerusalem is cursed for all too.

I am with you for peace. But I am not with you for dramatics for vested interests which are not aimed to save human lives but to make more idiotic reasons to get more killed. If the resistance is by force, then it better be true force at par.

Otherwise, you are just getting your own people killed. Over and over again.

Don’t sit back. Don’t watch. Learn. Adopt. Grow. If not Sun Tzu then maybe Machiavelli can help you how to grow yourself politically, socially, and regionally.

Get them by the balls but be able to do that first.

If you condemn one incident and are on numb on the ones happening in your backyard, and in your neighborhood; then try to discharge your hypocrisy first.

And if the arguments were same 100-year back as they are today, then they shall remain the same 100 years later. In all this mess, you may write a chapter of history with two beautiful videos of how 180 missiles went from Iran to Israel to make a billion Muslims happy after a hundred-thousand massacred and a hundred-thousand to be massacred.

I’m out of that history.