Hear My Plea!

Hear My Plea:

The hypocrisy at national level is not hypocrisy. Apparently. It’s state policy. And its worse than hypocrisy because it leads to bloodshed. But it is hypocrisy. Nevertheless.

Ukraine was owned and helped by the West. America felt the pain in particular. But Palestine didn’t ring a bell to them. Not even in western mainstream media which kept on showing the butchered as butcherers.

This weekend will tell the American Government how bad Biden has messed up this time. It’s like Vietnam’s time: Stop the war. People are coming to Washington. And people will demand the government to stop being an Israel’s puppet. Bad days for Biden. The only good thing he had was his inaugural speech after being elected. Since then, tripping and falling. With bad policies all over the world and at home, Trump is rising to haunt him.

Meanwhile, the noise in Pakistan has its own hypocrisy. They are pushing 1.7 million Afghans back to Afghanistan. Including those who are born and raised in Pakistan. These people will definitely suffer for a long time, wherever the road will take them to settle. Or unsettle.

Israel is invading lands and homes of the Palestinians.

Pakistan is organizing a mass exodus of Afghans after doing all the pimped jobs.

I know you can’t compare the two, but you can. Deep down you can. Unsettling and displacing a family to an unforeseen world is nothing less of a tragedy even if you compare.

Yet, we don’t feel the two pains. One remains numb. In fact, makes us happy. The other hurts us. The one that hurts us, is the one we cant do anything about. Except… some noise.

We all have our biases. We all have our compromised ethos, pathos, and logos. Governments work that way. Militaries too. And we too.

But I do wish.

And pray.

For the arms to be twisted.

For the armies to be demolished.

For the murderers to be murdered.

For the unsettler to be unsettled.

For the civilians to rise.

For the missing ones to be found.

For the slogans to be raised.

For the fights to be won.

Against any arm. Against any military.

Be it Israel.

Or be it…

Ending this for all the tragedies, anywhere in the world with shikwa of Faiz:

موری ارج سنو دست گیر پیر

hear my plea – O protector, O Pir!

مائی ری کہوں کاسے میں اپنے جیا کی پیر

O mother, how do I describe the anguish of my soul!

ربّا سچّیا توں تے آکھیا سی

O true Lord – well, you had said

جا اوئے بندیا جگ دا شاہ ہیں توں

go, O servant – king of the world are you

ساڈیاں نعمتاں تیریاں دولتاں نیں

my bounties are all for your benefit

ساڈا نیب تے عالیجاہ ہیں توں

my viceroy and of exalted rank are you

ایس لارے تے ٹور کد پچھیا ای

after this false promise, did you ever take any notice

کیہہ ایس نمانے تے بیتیاں نیں

what a miserable time we have been passing through

کدی سار وی لئی او ربّ سائیاں

did you bother to ever inquire – O Lord Master

ترے شاہ نال جگ کیہہ کیتیاں نیں

what the world has done to your king

کِتّے دھونس پولیس سرکار دی اے

in one place, there is the menace of police and state

کِتّے دھاندلی مال پٹوار دی اے

in another, there is cheating over land and money

اینج ہڈّاں چ کلپے جان مری

my very being aches to the bone in such a way

جیویں پھاہی چ کونج کرلاوندی اے

as the Koonj (crane), caught in the snare, shrieks!

چنگا شاہ بنایا ای ربّ سائیاں

a fine king you have made – O Lord Master

پولے کھاندے وار نہ آوندی اے

keeps bearing the humiliations of shoe-beatings

مینوں شاہی نئیں چاہیدی ربّ میرے

I don’t want kingship, my Lord

میں تے عزت دا ٹکّر منگناں ہاں

I ask just for a piece of bread, honorably-earned

مینوں تاہنگ نیئں، محلاں ماڑیاں دی

I have no desire for grand things like palaces

یں تے جیویں دی نکّر منگناں ہاں

I ask just for a corner to subsist in

میری منّیں تے تیریاں میں منّاں

heed me and I will heed you

یری سونہہ جے اک وی گلّ موڑاں

I swear to you that I’ll never refuse a single command

جے ایہہ سودا نیئں پجدا تیں ربّا

if this bargain is not acceptable to Thee, O Lord

فیر میں جاواں تے ربّ کوئی ہور لوڑاں

then I shall go and get some other Lord

موری ارج سنو دست گیر پیر

hear my plea, O protector, O Pir!

اس صورت سے

in this manner

عرض سناتے

presenting the plea

درد بتاتے

recounting the anguish

نیّا کھیتے

rowing the boat

مِنّت کرتے

making entreaty

رستہ تکتے

waiting expectantly

کتنی صدیاں بیت گئی ہیں

so many centuries have passed

اب جا کر یہ بھید کھلا ہے

at long last has emerged this secret

جس کو تم نے عرض گزاری

the one you had petitioned

جو تھا ہاتھ پکڑنے والا

the one who used to grasp your hand

جس جا لاگی ناؤ تمھاری

the place your boat found its mooring

جس سے دکھ کا دارو مانگا

the one you sought the cure for grief from

تورے مندر میں جو نہیں آیا

the one who came into your temple not

وہ تو تمہیں تھے

that was none other than you

وہ تو تمہیں تھے

that was none other than you

Author: SakiNama

His Highness

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