The Trial by Franz Kafka

‘How can I go to the Bank, if I am under arrest?’ 
‘Ah, I see,’ said the Inspector, who had already reached the door. ‘You have misunderstood me. You are under arrest, certainly, but that need not hinder you from going about your business. You won’t be hampered in carrying on in the ordinary course of your life.’ 
‘Then being arrested isn’t so very bad,’ said K., going up to the Inspector. 
‘I never suggested that it was,’ said the Inspector. 
‘But in that case it would seem there was no particular necessity to tell me about it,’ said K., moving still closer. 
The others had drawn near too. They were all gathered now in a little space beside the door. 
‘It was my duty,’ said the Inspector. 
‘A stupid duty,’ said K. inflexibly.

‘Most of these accused men are so sensitive,’

It’s one of your heart attacks and it’ll pass over like all the others.

He was feeling at ease now, at ease as one is when speaking to an inferior in some foreign country, keeping one’s own affairs to oneself and discussing with equanimity the other man’s interests, which gain consequence for the attention one bestows on them yet can be dismissed at will.

Author: SakiNama

His Highness